On my health and spiritual journey one thing I have come to learn is that there is no void in the universe. What does that even mean? It means that if there is a gap or a hole in your life it in some way or some form it will be filled by something or someone. You can’t just stop one thing and do nothing, it needs a swap or replacement otherwise things will revert to old ways like a default setting. We are what we habitually do. When I first read about this concept “there is no void” by Deepak Chopra it seemed oddly true, but how? I wanted to test this idea out and see if there was more to life than what meets the eye.
Here’s an example. You have an empty bowl in your kitchen or sitting out on display, it won’t be long before it filled with things – coins, hairpins, paperclips, coupons you name it – maybe even dust! Everybody has that draw in their kitchen which has space and just gets filled by the extra stuff you don’t know what to do with. This sounds random but it is not.
When there is clutter in your life it will build up until you do something about it. Have you ever de- cluttered your wardrobes of old clothes? Doesn’t it feel good to be organized, the pride of your organized home makes you feel lighter and freer. Here’s a thing that happens afterwards, you are out shopping weeks later for food and you end up straying into some other shops in the mall and you find a beautiful outfit that is on offer and it fits you so well – so you decide to treat yourself. This is not happenstance, this is just how natures works – replacing one good thing for another.
The same applies to food and nutrition. You want to get lean, so you stop eating unhealthy saturated fatty foods and sodas and begin to replace them with a more alkaline diet of fruits and veggies. My favorite food swaps Kristen does is that she swaps rice for cauliflower ‘rice’ and instead of spaghetti she makes courgetti which is a zuchinni pasta. And so long are the days of us snacking on chips and crips, we now snack on spicy nuts, seeds, dark chocolate or organic popcorn. Combining the food swap with daily exercise leads to you gradually feeing lighter and freer in your body. When you change what you put on the inside what’s on the outside begins to morph. Your skin improves and your tummy looks tighter – not immediately but gradually. This is the replacement strategy. Swap something unhealthy for something healthy because you deserve it and your body will thank you for it with energy and vitality.
Kristen and I started to implement this into our lives over a year ago and our cravings for sugary foods have almost disappeared. We know this strategy works which is why when WelleCo invited Kristen to be a VIP participant for the #SuperElixirSwap she jumped at the chance and told me “it’s not just food, it’s for everything!”
WelleCo’s main idea is to swap your usual sugar fix for a Super Elixir Nourishing Protein shake or snack. But they are also encouraging other small, achievable swaps. For example, swap cow’s milk for almond milk in your tea or coffee, call a friend rather than texting, play cards with your partner rather than watching TV at night. Think of something you can do – be creative. Kristen and I love this idea because these small easy swaps benefit our well-being in the long run and help us to maintain a balanced lifestyle.
I encourage you to join us in the #SuperElixirSwap for the next 30 days. I have a pretty good feeling that many of the swaps will positively affect your lifestyle and give you results that you’ll love. Start today by doing something easy and achievable and go for it because you deserve it!
We’d love to hear what you do for your swaps. Let us know by tagging us on Instagram.
– James